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December 1st, 2006 at 04:43 pm
I had a whimsical idea to use our soon-2-b spoiled vanilla half and half (creamer) for french toast to use up our older bread stash.
Voila! Flavored, no fuss breakfast! I bet any flavor would make tasty french toast.
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Uses For,
August 31st, 2006 at 05:25 pm
Everyday Compost Materials:
Nonsynthetic Lint
Human & Pet Hair
Coffee & Tea (bags/filters too)
Egg Shells
Fish bones/Skin
Rusted/Broken/Bent Nails
Baby Gates
Iron Gates/Fencing
Wooden Fencing
Iron Crib on it's side?
Wire CD Racks
Broken Billiard Sticks
Stair Railings
Shower / Curtain Rods
BookCases Horizontally
Shelves/File Cabinets Horizontally
Old Bathtubs / Sink
Pull Wagon
Wine Boxes / Storage
Guitar/Instrument boxes/cases
Trundle/Pullout beds
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Uses For,
Gardening Fever
August 31st, 2006 at 04:45 pm
I read a post on the "ThriftyFun Tips" newsletter I subscribe to about using those rooftop cargo carriers for cars for coldframes for winterproof gardening.
Well- my idea is to use an old, even rusted, barbecue gril. The "paint" should be nontoxic since we used it to cook what we eat. It already has heat trapping ability and a hinge top. Most barbecues have smoke vents on top which we could use to control the trapped heat/temperature inside. And for warmer nonfreezing weather, you could open the coldframe grill and just cover your plants with a modified/small plastic "rowcover". Plus- it's on wheels so it's easily moveable to where the sun is or isn't and it would be elevated off the freezing ground with snowcover.
The more I think of this idea (it's my original idea as far as I know)- the more I like it! We already have a spare grill that we hardly use even during the summer (only to incubate my homemade yogurt); I think winter use would be appropriate. All I have to do is check the depth allowed. I wonder if there are any more "junk" BBQs that I can pick up. LOL
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Uses For,
Gardening Fever
August 25th, 2006 at 02:53 pm
I don't know how you have so many seeds (lentils, peas, beans, radish, sunflower, broccoli). Let's assume you bought a boat load of seeds for your garden and didn't get to plant most of them. Have you considered growing sprouts; like "alfalfa sprouts"? They would be a good substitution or addition to lettuce in your salads. And cheap!
Text is http://www.sproutpeople.com and Link is http://www.sproutpeople.com
Here's a link to some information, you don't neccessarily have to *buy* their supplies.
Posted in
Uses For
August 21st, 2006 at 05:27 pm
I got this off an email group I subscribe
1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
2. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.
3. Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales will come
off easier.
4. Put a few grains of rice in your salt shaker for easier pouring.
5. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
6. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs
sink; bad ones float.
7. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a
cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.
8. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.
9. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk
them up.
10. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.
11. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they
will last longer.
12. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.
13. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet bowl.
14. Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight and they will crack out
of their shells whole. Just tap the end of the shell with a hammer
to break it open easily.
15. Boil clothespins in salt water before using them and they will
last longer.
16. Clean brass, copper and pewter with paste made of salt and
vinegar, thickened with flour
17. Add a little salt to the water your cut flowers will stand in
for a longer life.
18. Pour a mound of salt on an ink spot on your carpet; let the salt
soak up the stain.
19. Clean your iron by rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the
ironing surface.
20. Adding a little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double
boiler will make the food cook faster.
21. Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.
22. To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and
starch, with just enough water to make a stiff putty.
23. Rinse a sore eye with a little salt water.
24. Mildly salted water makes an effective mouthwash. Use it hot for
a sore throat gargle.
25. Dry salt sprinkled on your toothbrush makes a good tooth
26. Use salt for killing weeds in your lawn.
27. Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.
28. A dash of salt in warm milk makes a more relaxing beverage.
29. Before using new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for
30. A dash of salt enhances the taste of tea.
31. Salt improves the taste of cooking apples.
32. Soak your clothes line in salt water to prevent your clothes
from freezing to the line; likewise, use salt in your final rinse to
prevent the clothes from freezing.
33. Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt water to prevent
34. Freshen sponges by soaking them in salt water.
35. Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.
36. Soak enamel pans in salt water overnight and boil salt water in
them next day to remove burned-on stains.
37. Clean your greens in salt water for easier removal of dirt.
38. Gelatin sets more quickly when a dash of salt is added.
39. Fruits put in mildly salted water after peeling will not
40. Fabric colors hold fast in salty water wash.
41. Milk stays fresh longer when a little salt is added.
42. Use equal parts of salt and soda for brushing your teeth.
43. Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.
44. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove
45. Clean greasy pans with a paper towel and salt.
46. Salty water boils faster when cooking eggs.
47. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip more
48. Sprinkle salt in milk-scorched pans to remove odor.
49. A dash of salt improves the taste of coffee.
50. Boil mismatched hose in salty water and they will come out
51. Salt and soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.
52. Cover wine-stained fabric with salt; rinse in cool water later.
53. Remove offensive odors from stove with salt and cinnamon.
54. A pinch of salt improves the flavor of cocoa.
55. To remove grease stains in clothing, mix one part salt to four
parts rubbing alcohol.
56. Salt and lemon juice removes mildew.
57. Sprinkle salt between sidewalk bricks where you don't want grass
58. Polish your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look.
59. Remove odors from sink drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of
salt water.
60. If a pie bubbles over in your oven, put a handful of salt on top
of the spilled juice. The mess won't smell and will bake into a dry,
light crust which will wipe off easily when the oven has cooled.
Posted in
Uses For
August 19th, 2006 at 09:01 pm
(1) Deodorizers for shoes, drawers, suitcases
(2) Anti Static
(1) Refill Swiffer Dusters, or dust alone
(2) Stuffing for pillows, etc
*Money Saving Tip* You don't have to used the whole sheet for a load...split it up in half, thirds, fourths. Or reuse a whole sheet. Or, make your own with paper towels/washcloths with liquid softener.
More ideas in your comments section...
Posted in
Uses For,
August 18th, 2006 at 10:08 pm
My husband is an art teacher. Art is not the most funded subject in most schools.
Since it's the beginning of the school year for most, including my dh, I suggest that if you have potential usable (art) supplies to call your school to see if the art teacher needs it.
For instance:
Paper (construction etc)
Hand Soap
From our house, I save:
Cardboard rolls from T.P. & P.T.
Baby food jars (containers for paints)
Hand Lotions
Plastic bags
Posted in
New Lessons,
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 09:52 pm
Other than free bags for household things, let's explore what else we can use them for.
(1) Packing material
(2) Dog Poo Bags
(3) Insulation?
Here's a Link of other ideas @ about.com
The Plastic Bag Pages
Do you have any other ideas you can comment on?
Posted in
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 09:47 pm
I used to work in a Flower shop and we used to throw away a lot of batting type material, shredded paper, etc. from our flower shipments. Ask your local flowershop if they have any they can spare.
Otherwise, use your mountains of plastic grocery bags for moving your breakables.
Posted in
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 07:10 pm
(1) Cornstarch
(2) Potato starch
(3) Rice Flour
(4) Flour
*5* Potato Flakes!
*6* Rice cereal / Baby cereal!
I've tried it and it works! Any others to comment on?
Posted in
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 07:08 pm
Acid content! So add lemon or vinegar to your milk so you don't have to rush to the store to get "buttermilk"! I saved you gas too. ^^
Posted in
Uses For,
August 18th, 2006 at 07:04 pm
Can be a pinch hitter when you're out of milk. I think it provides a creamier taste and texture in sauces.
Yogurt can pinch hit for sour cream and milk in the right situations/recipes. Generally you're safe.
Bonus: Yogurt is easy to make and you can chain batches so that you're not "reinvesting" in making more yogurt.
Did you know that you can make a ricotta textured cheese from drained yogurt? Maybe ricotta & yogurt could pinch hit for each other too!
Posted in
Uses For,
August 18th, 2006 at 07:01 pm
These are very similar except that condensed milk is the sweetened version of evaporated milk. So if substituting either way, take sweetness into consideration and tweak the other sweetening agents in your recipes.
Posted in
Uses For,
August 18th, 2006 at 04:11 pm
I save mine by cutting off the top portion and stacking them.
(1) Seed Starters (just make sure you mix the water with the potting soil well before you put in the wells, it will be hard to do it later) And make sure there's something underneath just in case water overflows or drips
(2) Snack Tray (from The Complete Tightwad Gazette)
(3) Craft organizer
Leave *your* ideas in the comments =)
Posted in
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 04:07 pm
(1) Plastic bag organizers (one for the car(s), garage, basement, etc)
(2) Raffle Box
(3) "Honey Do *Box*"
Post more ideas in comments....
Posted in
Uses For
August 18th, 2006 at 12:48 am

Don't spend money on those expensive Diaper Rash creams! Prevent them cheaply!
Jasmin hasn't had a diaper rash since she was 2.5 months old and she's nearly nine months old now.
Everytime I change her diaper I sprinkle cornstarch based baby powder (cornstarch by itself would do fine) and rub petroleum jelly over her bum.
Cornstarch is cheap and lasts a long time, so is petroleum jelly. Unless you have stocks for A&D ointment, don't give the company your money!
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Uses For,
Baby Stuff
August 17th, 2006 at 05:44 pm
You know you wanted to save this one. You felt guitly for putting it in the trash next to your uneaten leftovers. You want to free it of it's "Cheese" shackles. It's more than that. There are plenty of uses for that guy with the multi spout top. (wink)
I use them for:
* Homemade Shake N Bake Mix from budget101.com
* Bread Crumbs (from old bread remnants, muffins, etc) in the freezer
* Homemade coffee creamer
* Cookie Crumbs
* Grated bars of soap to mix up laundry detergent
* Baking Soda for my Laundry Room (boosts laundry cleaning)
Go on...keep brainstorming...post other uses. Not just for me...for all of the Kraft Parmesan containers out there in Trashland and blog readers.
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Uses For